


Residential Dumpster Rental


We make dumpster rental easy.

We Deliver it. You fill it. We pick it up.


We make choosing us even easier.

FREE delivery. FREE pick-up. And all-inclusive rates!


3 sizes to choose from.

We rent small, medium, and large residential driveway-friendly dumpsters:

  • Small Residential Dumpster
    (14L x 8W x 3H)
  • Medium Residential Dumpster
    (14L x 8W x 5H)
  • Large Residential Dumpster
    (16L x 8W x 6H)

Small medium and large Same pic

Our friendly phone reps will help you choose the size that best fits your needs.


Up-front Pricing

Our dumpster rental rates include:

  • Delivery
  • 7 days of rental
  • Pick-up
  • Hauling
  • Up to 3 Tons (6000 lbs.) of disposal weight

On top that, we do not charge a fuel surcharge.


We take it easy!

Or, in our case, we deliver and take the dumpster away "easy"!

Our trucks weigh less, our dumpsters have driveway-friendly wheels, and our lift system puts less pressure on the driveway than a standard system.

You work hard for your property. We work hard to make sure you'll recommend us to others, by respecting it.


Dumpster rental is the best solution if you are a "do-it-yourselfer", or need time to sift through your items.


We also offer "full-service" Junk Removal.        PROs_gray_couch_advertisement-2.png

If you don't have enough items to justify renting a dumpster, or you'd like us to do 100% of the lifting, carrying, and loading... Junk Removal is the best option. Click here to see how Junk Removal works.

If you are unsure which way to go - "Rent a Dumpster" or "full-service Junk Removal" - one of our friendly Customer Experience Team members will gladly help you choose the best solution for your needs. Please call us at 1-800-586-5776.

Check Pricing & Availability!



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